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LaDonna always customizes my look!!! She's so professional, knowledgeable and loves educating her clients about having healthy hair; not just styles. Love, Love Love her!! - E. Shell
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Global Artist

With over 20+years as a global artist and educator, LaDonna is now excited to share those and business management skills locally to help grow others and their businesses through classes, mentorship programs and coaching services under the umbrella of the brand new Resource Institution.

Most recently, she has become a licensed Hair Loss Practitioner and is enthusiastic about helping salon guests to be proactive in slowing down the process of hair loss and to help those who have lost hair to identify the challenge and to come up with viable solutions.

While LaDonna loves new techniques and new ways of marketing, there are some good ole fashioned beauty staples that she just won’t part ways with:


  • Every first time guest must book a complimentary consultation…be it in person or digital…one must be had. LaDonna loves to meet you and your hair before a relationship is created!


  • Shampooing and conditioning hair is a non-negotiable during your salon visit. Healthy hair first. 



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